In case you haven't seen the ripples in your glass of water, DINOSAURS are on the loose. You can download your very own copy of the Demo Pack Rules for Apocalypse-D at the GoatHerd Yahoo group.
Sign up for the group to access the files section and grab your delicious dino demo data for about as much fun as you can have vertical! As a member of the GoatHerd, you'll also have up-to-the-moment updates from the guys at Goat Central and the very high probability of being sucked into a playtester role or two- or ten!
So run, don't walk, to the GoatHerd and get your's now (if you've got the rocks)!
I picked up mine from the yahooo site and must admit I have found a use for my dinos now. This, from what I have read, will be on par with Apoc Z. And its awesome. I only hope this type of quality products will continue to be done. Awesome stuff guys!! Thanks, PRophet
The demo rule pack should be in the files section of the GoatHerd under 'Sneak Peaks' and 'Apocalypse-D'. We're using mostly the pre-painted figurines from Papo, Schleich, and Safari Ltd. The Papo are by far the best out there and we've actually obtained permission from Papo to use their dinos in the rule book. We've also set up an account with their North American distributor to sell them. We don't have the capital yet to operate with a constant stock and sell via our website, but hope to someday. We did place a fairly large order for the convention season this past summer and might even have a few remaining. Send a PM to ViceGoat, Dino Perlot (yup his name is Dino, not dino... convenient isn't it!). He's currently holding the stock, I don't know what's left. We tried to obtain permission from Schleich to use their figurines as official D models as well, but they never even bothered to respond to my emailed requests. Too bad for them, since we sold quite a few Papo figurines!