Being a big fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs Barssom series and Pellucidar series I was pleased to see the Apoc-D game. So that got me digging around for some game ideas and I came across this other Yahoo group.
They have some neat info, and possibly future Apocalypse D players. ;)
This group is dedicated to the discussion of anything prehistoric: documentaries, movies and books on "primitive" cultures, cultures that revert back to a primitive state (as in lost worlds), as well as miniature gaming scenarios, wargaming rules, figure sources, conversions and terrain with prehistoric themes, particularly (but not limited to) those of early man.
Want to discuss gaming humans AND dinosaurs? No problem. There is plenty of room here for those of us who would like to collect and game "realistic" cavemen, as well as those who prefer "Lost Worlds", even Hollywood's "Cavemen vs Dinosaurs" and the most extreme "Pulp", "SF" and "VSF" scenarios and possibilities. Though 25-28mm seems the most popular scale in gaming, other scales are definitely welcome and encouraged.
Even though we are working on house rules, all discussion on other rule systems is certainly welcome.
"Being a big fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs Barssom series"
HMMMMMM.... Bill you must have been reading our minds. Check out Dave makes some great figures. I was thinking this setting would make for some awesome Evo style battles. Dave and I spoke at length at Historicon a few weeks back and decided that a joint venture was in the cards...its quite a ways off, but its out there on the horizon.
Since the bulk of the Barsoom series is well out of the 75 year copyright protection, much of it is public domain. I'm still doing research as to what is open vs what is closed, but I'm plugging along. The largest obstacle to overcome in some of this is actually trademark rather than copyright infringement. I know that 'Barsoom' and 'John Carter' are both TM of ERB Inc. I'm considering contacting them to explore options.
Just another long term teaser... (to many ideas...not enough time)
I guess we'll just have to make enough money so that I can quit my day job and launch the Goat full time!
Love those werewolves on the front page of that site. Some bad mammer jammers there.
As for Barsoom, last I heard the first 5 novels (at least) are now in public doman here in the U.S.. I never made it past book 9 though, but I did read the first 4 ones at least twice.
I remember always being creeped out when they (the Thark raiders) imprisoned John Carter in the underground prison out in the wastes. And who can forget the carnivourous white apes of the valley. So many good things. Probably one of my favorites was the one (I forget sadly) where they princess/queen gets locked behind the maze door that only opens once a year. Great dramatic ending for one book and awesome sequal opening for the next book.
Invest in the Power Ball lottery. It's coming to Florida next year. I'm crossing my paws and hoping for the best.
I could really use to win the bad I don't play.. but if I did, Goat would be full time, have a corporate HQ with all the amenities, a huge staff, a full minis line, and I might just get the rights from Lucas Arts Ltd for the Star Wars Evo rules I'm writing....hmmmmm
Actually, I'd settle for a nice scratch off ticket win so I could afford a copyright lawyer to help me figure out the maze of CR law....